We hire people who are dedicated to working for one client, not multiple clients.  Having a dedicated developer who focuses solely on the needs of one client can lead to a deep understanding of that client’s business and a more personalized approach to service delivery. This can foster strong relationships and lead to greater client satisfaction over time. It’s also important to ensure that MR DEV is capable of maintaining a high level of focus and commitment to the client’s needs over the long term. Ultimately, hiring someone who is dedicated to working for one client requires careful consideration and planning, but can lead to significant benefits in terms of client satisfaction and loyalty.

Even though our developers are based globally, we focus on U.S. made software and hardware to write code. This includes tools such as Microsoft’s Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, GitHub, and the Amazon AWS tech stack. By prioritizing American-made tools, MR DEV can ensure the highest levels of quality and reliability in our code development process. U.S. made software and tools are known for its adherence to strict security and data privacy standards, providing additional peace of mind for our clients and customers.

All software code is reviewed by developers based in the U.S. before its pushed to a client’s repo.  This is critical for maintaining high security, quality, and compliance standards. By conducting reviews domestically, we can better adhere to proper technical guidelines, coding standards, and documentation. This process allows for closer oversight, ensuring that code aligns with best practices and industry standards.

Domestic code reviews enable faster feedback loops and foster collaboration within teams, reducing the likelihood of introducing errors into production. Ultimately, this practice reinforces trust, enhances software reliability, and protects the client’s interests in an increasingly complex and interconnected digital landscape.